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NPM Workflows

The /packages directory contains a number of NPM packages that are part of the core functionality of the project. These packages are listed under the WebDevStudios organization.

Testing Locally

Instead of publishing a new release every time you make changes, use npm link to create a symlink to the package on your local. This allows you to test your changes without having to publish a release before it's ready.

It's a two step process. First, you create a symlink to the latest version of the package:

cd packages/headless-core
npm link

Second, use the symlink in another project:

cd examples/basic
npm link @webdevstudios/headless-core

Finally, you can install the package and test:

npm i @webdevstudios/headless-core

After your testing checks out, you can safely publish to NPM. Learn more about NPM link.

Publishing to NPM

Log into NPM

Before logging in, you must have an account on and be part of the WebDevStudios organization.

npm adduser

Follow the prompts and enter your username, password, and two-factor authentication code (if enabled). Learn more about NPM adduser.

Bump the version

Open the package.json file and bump the version number. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0-main.1, then the next version will be 1.0.0-main.2.

Publish a Release

If you're publishing a stable release:

npm publish --tag=latest --access=public

If you're publishing a prerelease:

npm publish --tag=next --access=public

Learn more about NPM publish.

Unpublish a Release

If something goes wrong with the release, you can unpublish it. For example, if 1.0.0-main.2 is not working the following will remove it from NPM's registry:

npm unpublish @webdevstudios/headless-core@1.0.0-main.2

Learn more about NPM unpublish.