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The Next.js WordPress Starter comes with a robust Storybook setup, which makes it easy to develop and test components in isolation.

Start Storybook

To get started, run the following command::

npm run storybook

This should open a browser window at http://localhost:6006/

Component Folder Structure

The Next.js WordPress Starter uses Atomic Design to structure its components:

├── atoms
| ├── Breadcrumbs
| | ├── Breadcrumbs.js
| | ├── Breadcrumbs.module.css
| | ├── Breadcrumbs.stories.mdx
| | └── index.js
├── molecules
| ├── ...
├── organisms
| ├── ...
  • /atoms: Components that are used across multiple pages.
  • /Breadcrumbs: The folder housing all of the Breadcrumb related files.
  • /Breadcrumbs.js: A component that displays a list of breadcrumbs.
  • /Breadcrumbs.module.css: A CSS module for the Breadcrumbs component.
  • /Breadcrumbs.stories.mdx: The Storybook "story" for the Breadcrumbs component.
  • /index.js: Contains the export for the Breadcrumbs component.

Learn more about:


MDX is the syntax Storybook Docs uses to capture long-form Markdown documentation and stories in one file. You can also write pure documentation pages in MDX and add them to Storybook alongside your stories. Learn more.

Example Story

// components/molecules/Card/Card.stories.mdx

import {Canvas, Meta, Story} from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks'
import Card from './'

<Meta title="Components/Molecules/Card" component={Card} />

# Card

Use this component to display a card.

<Story name="Component">
meta="This is the meta"
title="This is the card title"
body="This is the card body"
timestamp="May 29, 2021"
ctaText="Click Here!"

The code above will output a story at http://localhost:6006/?path=/story/components-molecules-card--component.


The controls story will enable Storybook's controls. A controls story looks like:

## Controls

Play around with `<Button />` props in the [Canvas tab of the Controls story](?path=/story/design-system-atoms-button--controls).

export const Template = (args) => <Button {...args} />

text: 'This is a link button',
url: '',
urlExternal: false,
tag: 'button',
fluid: false

Storybook Configuration

The Next.js WordPress Starter follows a standard Storybook configuration:

├── main.js
├── manager.js
├── preview.js
└── theme.js
  • /main.js: The main Storybook configuration file.
  • /manager.js: Configure Storybook features and behavior.
  • /preview.js: Configure story rendering.
  • /theme.js: Configure the Storybook theme.

Learn more about configuring and extending Storybook.