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There are many ways to contribute to this project:

Monorepo Folder Structure

This project is a monorepo, which makes it easier to develop all the different codebases in a central location. The folder structure looks like:

├── docs
├── frontend
├── packages
├── scripts
└── tests
  • /docs: The documentation for this project, powered by Docusaurus.
  • /frontend: Currently, this holds the codebase for the Next.js powered frontend.
  • /packages: In the future this will house our NPM packages.
  • /scripts: In the future this will house build scripts.
  • /tests: In the future this will house tests.

Submitting Issues and Feature Requests

Before submitting an issue or making a feature request, please search for existing issues.

If you do file an issue, be sure to fill out the issue report completely!


Git Workflow

  1. Create a feature branch off main
  2. Work locally adhering to coding standards
  3. When your feature has been tested, open a Pull Request (PR) and fill out the PR template
  4. Your PR must pass assertions and deploy successfully
  5. After peer review, the PR will be merged back into main
  6. Repeat ♻️

Code Linting

This project has several rulesets and uses ESLint, Prettier, and Stylelint to enforce standards. In addition to real-time linting, you could run the following commands in your terminal.

First change directories into either /frontend or /docs

Lint your code:

npm run lint

Format your code:

npm run format

These commands are also used in a pre-commit hook.

Tips to help your PR get approved

  1. Make sure your code editor supports real-time linting and has the recommended extensions installed
  2. JSDocs are required for all JavaScript functions
  3. Run npm run build && npm run start before submitting your PR, to ensure a successful build
  4. Be courteous in your communication

Preview Deployments

Vercel is connected to this Github repository and will automatically build and deploy a unique URL for each Pull Request. Learn more about Vercel + Github integration.


To work with Storybook on your Local, change directories into /frontend and run the following command:

npm run storybook

Stories are written in .mdx and should be placed next to the component.

Learn how to write stories for this starter.

Thanks for contributing — you rock! 🤘