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WordPress Navigation Menus are accessed in NextJS using React Context.

MenuContext is a React Context object that stores menu data without having to pass it down through the component tree as props.

Storing menu data as context allows menu data to be available in all components by simply importing the MenuContext object directly in the component.


import {MenuContext} from '@/components/common/MenuProvider'
import {useContext} from 'react'

* Render the Header component.
* @author WebDevStudios
* @return {Element} The Header component.
export default function Header() {
const {menus} = useContext(MenuContext)
return (
<Navigation menu={menus?.primary_menu} />

MenuContext returns all registered WordPress menus, so you'll to need to dig down into the object to access a specific menu.

Note: Menu slugs containing dashes (-) will be converted to underscores (_) in the application.

Data Structure

The MenuContext object will contain data on all registered menus as nested objects.


Each menu will contain an array of menu items with a nested children array (if required).

"label": "Homepage",
"path": "/",
"label": "About",
"path": "/about-us",
"path": "about-us/leadeship",
"label":"Our Team",
"path": "about-us/our-team",
"path": "about-us/services",
"label": "Contact",
"path": "/contact",

Note: To access data of a specific menu you must access the object directly.

const {menus} = useContext(MenuContext)
const primary = menus?.primary_menu;