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Components Overview


Types of Components

Block Handler Components


  • These are 'middleware' components that take in Gutenberg block attributes, process the data further if necessary and pass the formatted attributes as props to design system components.
  • These components should not be styled and they don't need stories.

Design System Components




  • These are the main components that make up the front end of the Next.js app and are organized using the Atomic Design methodology.

Component Directories

Here are the files you'll find in each component directory:

/components/atoms/Button      - The button component folder is organized under atoms.
|-- Button.js - The main js file for the button component.
|-- Button.module.css - The CSS module file for the button component.
|-- Button.stories.mdx - The Storybook story for the button component.
|-- index.js - The default export for the button component.

Learn more about each file:


CSS Module
