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Custom Post Types

Our Next.js starter supports Custom Post Types. Follow the Example below as a starting point.


  1. Register a Custom Post Type
  2. Create a new folder in the /pages directory of the Next.js WordPress Starter
  3. Name the folder to match your CPT slug (e.g, if your CPT slug was products, name the folder /products)
  4. Create a catch-all route file named [[...slug]].js
  5. Build your query inside /products/[[...slug]].js


The following code samples would add frontend handling for a CPT called team with GraphQL single name team and plural name teams.

Catch-all Route

File: pages/team/[[...slug]].js

import Breadcrumbs from '@/components/atoms/Breadcrumbs'
import Container from '@/components/atoms/Container'
import RichText from '@/components/atoms/RichText'
import Layout from '@/components/common/Layout'
import Blocks from '@/components/molecules/Blocks'
import Archive from '@/components/organisms/Archive'
import getPagePropTypes from '@/functions/getPagePropTypes'
import getPostTypeStaticPaths from '@/functions/wordpress/postTypes/getPostTypeStaticPaths'
import getPostTypeStaticProps from '@/functions/wordpress/postTypes/getPostTypeStaticProps'

// Define route post type.
const postType = 'team'

* Render the Team component.
* @author WebDevStudios
* @param {object} props The component attributes as props.
* @param {object} Post data from WordPress.
* @param {boolean} props.archive Whether displaying single post (false) or archive (true).
* @param {Array} props.posts Array of post data from WordPress.
* @param {object} props.pagination Archive pagination data from WordPress.
* @return {Element} The Team component.
export default function Team({post, archive, posts, pagination}) {
if (archive) {
return (
<Layout seo={{}}>
<Archive posts={posts} postType={postType} pagination={pagination} />

return (
<Layout seo={{}}>
<article className="innerWrap">
{!!post?.seo?.breadcrumbs && (
<Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs={post.seo.breadcrumbs} />
<RichText tag="h1">{post?.title}</RichText>
{post?.teamMemberProfile?.title} -{' '}
<Blocks blocks={post?.blocks} />

* Get post static paths.
* @author WebDevStudios
* @return {object} Object consisting of array of paths and fallback setting.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
return await getPostTypeStaticPaths(postType)

* Get post static props.
* @author WebDevStudios
* @param {object} context Context for current post.
* @param {object} context.params Route parameters for current post.
* @param {boolean} context.preview Whether requesting preview of post.
* @param {object} context.previewData Post preview data.
* @return {object} Post props.
export async function getStaticProps({params, preview, previewData}) {
return getPostTypeStaticProps(params, postType, preview, previewData)

Team.propTypes = {

Team Single Query

File: lib/wordpress/teams/queryTeamById.js

import authorPostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/authorPostFields'
import defaultPageData from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/defaultPageData'
import featuredImagePostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/featuredImagePostFields'
import globalPostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/globalPostFields'
import seoPostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/seoPostFields'
import {gql} from '@apollo/client'

// Fragment: retrieve single team member fields.
const singleTeamFragment = gql`
fragment SingleTeamFields on Team {

// Query: retrieve team member by specified identifier.
const queryTeamById = gql`
$id: ID!
$idType: TeamIdType = SLUG
$imageSize: MediaItemSizeEnum = LARGE
) {
team(id: $id, idType: $idType) {

export default queryTeamById

Team Archive Query

File: lib/wordpress/teams/queryTeamsArchive.js

import archiveData from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/archiveData'
import defaultPageData from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/defaultPageData'
import featuredImagePostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/featuredImagePostFields'
import globalPostFields from '@/lib/wordpress/_query-partials/globalPostFields'
import {gql} from '@apollo/client'

// Fragment: retrieve archive team fields.
const archiveTeamFragment = gql`
fragment ArchiveTeamFields on Team {

// Query: retrieve teams archive.
const queryTeamsArchive = gql`
$first: Int
$last: Int
$after: String
$before: String
$orderBy: PostObjectsConnectionOrderbyEnum = DATE
$order: OrderEnum = DESC
$imageSize: MediaItemSizeEnum = THUMBNAIL
) {
first: $first
last: $last
after: $after
before: $before
where: {orderby: {field: $orderBy, order: $order}}
) {
edges {
node {

export default queryTeamsArchive

Update Post Types

File: lib/wordpress/_config/postTypes.js

  // Define valid WP post types (singular and plural GraphQL names).
export const postTypes = {
page: {
pluralName: 'pages',
route: ''
post: {
pluralName: 'posts',
route: ''
+ team: {
+ pluralName: 'teams',
+ route: 'team'
+ }

// Define hierarchical post types.
export const hierarchicalPostTypes = ['page']

Update Archive SEO

File: lib/wordpress/_config/archiveQuerySeo.js

  import queryPostsArchive from '@/lib/wordpress/posts/queryPostsArchive'
+ import queryTeamsArchive from '@/lib/wordpress/teams/queryTeamsArchive'

// Define SEO for archives.
const archiveQuerySeo = {
post: {
query: queryPostsArchive,
title: 'Blog',
description: ''
+ team: {
+ query: queryTeamsArchive,
+ title: 'Team Members',
+ description: ''
+ }

export default archiveQuerySeo

Update Single Post Query Handling

File: functions/wordpress/postTypes/getPostTypeById.js

  import isHierarchicalPostType from '@/functions/wordpress/postTypes/isHierarchicalPostType'
import processPostTypeQuery from '@/functions/wordpress/postTypes/processPostTypeQuery'
import queryPageById from '@/lib/wordpress/pages/queryPageById'
import queryPostById from '@/lib/wordpress/posts/queryPostById'
+ import queryTeamById from '@/lib/wordpress/teams/queryTeamById'

* Retrieve single post by specified identifier.
* @author WebDevStudios
* @param {string} postType WP post type.
* @param {number | string} id Post identifier.
* @param {string} idType Type of ID.
* @param {string} preview Whether query is for a regular post view (null), a preview check (basic), or full post preview (full).
* @return {object} Object containing Apollo client instance and post data or error object.
export default async function getPostTypeById(
idType = 'SLUG',
preview = null
) {
// Define single post query based on post type.
const postTypeQuery = {
page: queryPageById,
post: queryPostById,
+ team: queryTeamById

// Check if post type is hierarchical.
const isHierarchical = isHierarchicalPostType(postType)

// Fix default ID type for hierarchical posts.
idType = !isHierarchical || 'SLUG' !== idType ? idType : 'URI'

// Retrieve post type query.
const query = postTypeQuery?.[postType] ?? null

return processPostTypeQuery(postType, id, query, {id, idType}, preview)